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The purpose for this is to be informative to customer and viewer questions they may have about the products or website of Amazon Discovery LLC. to improve our service to you our customers.

Thank You for your help

Dr Freris / London, England / February 25, 2014

Maral Root Powder and Extract

Q: The dried root and extract of Maral Root - do you have the Ecdosterol content?

A: No COA does not test for the predominate compound it would only be tested on a standardized extract.

Robert Whitaker / De / April 23, 2014


Q: and...are you just using the fruit, or the seed in this? The seed has its own properties which I was interested in.

A: The Jujube we carry manufacturing process the whole fruit.

Meera / CA, USA / July 07, 2014

Camu Camu Powder & Extract

Q: Hi, I was wondering what the differences in nutrition are for the powder versus the extract? Which one is better? Thank you, Meera

A: Nutritional value is not measured in the manufacturing of powder and powder extracts. What the difference between powder and powder extracts is the compounds with a concentrated extract for example 4:1 it would have four times the compound ratio then a straight powder meaning it would be stronger.

Forest Barrett / GA / July 30, 2014

Banisteriopsis Caapi

Q: What country are you shipping from? Also what strain of Caapi do you sell? Is it Cielo strain? Do you prices included shipping cost?

A: We ship from USA also we do not monitor strains and no prices do no include shipping. For COA of product use the email us box which is located on every page of the website.

PGJU / VA / August 04, 2014

Caralluma Fimbriata

Q: Is it possible to purchase Caralluma Fimbriata in a smaller quantity than a kilo?

A: Sorry a kilo is the smallest we will go normally we like to sell 25 kilos or more.

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