Blackberry Purchase & Information

Alternative Names
Bramble, Dewberry, Feuilles de Mûrier, Feuilles de Ronce, Goutberry, Mûre, Mûre Sauvage, Mûrier, Ronce du Canada, Ronce Commune, Ronce Laciniée, Rubi Fruticosi Folium, Rubi Fruticosi Radix, Thimbleberry, Zarzamora CAUTION: Please refer to separate listing for Red Raspberry and Black Raspberry
Scientific Name
Rubus Fruticosus
Why Do People Use Blackberry?
Oral preparations of Rubus plicatus (Blackberry), like blackberry powder, are used for edema, inflammation, diarrhea, gout, for diabetes and to prevent from heart and cancer disease.
Topically - Blackberry is also used topically as a mouth rinse for mild inflammation of the mucosa of the oral cavity and throat.
Is It Safe To Use?
Likely Safe - Oral consumption of blackberry is though to be safe when used in food items. To rate the safety of blackberry, there is scarce and untrusted information available particularly when used for medicinal purposes.
Avoid in Pregnancy & Lactation - Avoid using.
How Effective Is Blackberry?
To rate the effectiveness of blackberry powder, there is scarce and unreliable information available.
How Blackberry Works?
The most effective parts of Rubus plicatus are the root, leaf and fruit (berry). Blackberry also consists of ellagitannins, anthocyanidins and flavonols such as kaempferol, quercetin phenolic acids and catechins. Other constituents include beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, glutathione, chlorogenic acid and alpha-tocophero. The contents of the leaves and fruit could change with change in maturity.
The anthocyanidins as well as some other polyphenols in blackberry have antioxidant impacts. Initial experiments suggest that blackberries may inhibit the carcinogenesis and cancer cells proliferation. Clinical experiments also suggest that its free radical scavenging effects may protect against vascular disorders, endothelial dysfunction, endotoxic shock and lung inflammation.
According to some other clinical experiments blackberry fruit may have anti-inflammatory activity.
Studies have also shown that leaves of blackberry leaf may have hypoglycemic activity. But on other hand in animal models, blackberry does not ominously affect basal glucose levels.
What Are The Side Effects /Adverse Reactions of Blackberry?
There is no valid information about the adverse effects caused by blackberry powder.
How Blackberry Interacts With Other Herbs and Supplements?
Not known.
How Blackberry Interacts With Drugs?
Not known.
How Blackberry Interacts With Foods?
Not known.
How Blackberry Interacts With Lab Tests?
Not known.
How Blackberry Interacts With Diseases and Conditions?
Not known.
What Should Be the Dose/Administration of Blackberry?
There is no typical dosage available for blackberry.
General Certificate of Analysis (COA)
Specification sheet links below are a standard copy of the COA less the batch or lot number and manufactures dates. Specification sheet can be dated and should only be considered as a general information. Please contact and request an up to date COA if needed for specific updated information before placing order by filling out the contact form with product name and SKU number. If ordering quantities of twenty five kilos or more contact for availability.