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All questions are monitored by an administrator and will not be posted if deemed inappropriate which would consist of foul language, taunting or ridiculing a particular person or company, posting links or spamming appropriate action will be taken with the offending party being banned from posting to future FAQ questions.

The purpose for this is to be informative to customer and viewer questions they may have about the products or website of Amazon Discovery LLC. to improve our service to you our customers.

Thank You for your help

Jason Simpson / London/ England / August 10, 2014

Tonkat Ali

Q: Hi, i have just discovered your website, seems very good What i would like to know is what is the country of origin, for the tonkat ali that you supply.

A: Indonesia you will take notice that on some of the product pages the Certificate Of Analysis (COA) is available the country of origin is indicated the only thing that is not is the batch number and manufacturing date these change along with microbiology counts and customers should request a current COA.

Jason Simpson / London/ England / September 19, 2014

some of your rare products

Q: how can you guarantee the authenticity of some of your more rare herbs, and how can i know before i make a purchase that i am buying the genuine herb, also why do you have only one expensive rate for international shipping.


Jason Simpson / London/ England / September 19, 2014

some of your rare products

Q: how can you guarantee the authenticity of some of your more rare herbs, and how can i know before i make a purchase that i am buying the genuine herb, also why do you have only one expensive rate for international shipping.

A: We only supply the manufactures Certificate Of Analysis (COA) if customer requires further testing sample of the product can be sent by USPS. Customer must pay for shipping costs of sample sent. Our warehouse is only set up for UPS or for international shipping TNT which is charged a flat rate and when shipped if there is an overcharge customer is refunded the difference. This had to be done due to oversea customers not wanting to pay for shipping after order was delivered.

Wendy Allen / MN / October 22, 2014

Noto Ginseng Powder Panax Pseudoginseng

Q: In the Q&A 8 links, do not see anything specifically to the above. Also just sent another ask a question on how to use & a couple of storage questions.

A: Visit please review a typical dosage this is a guide line you can use. As it states on the COA store in a tightly sealed container this means a jar or plastic container with a lid that can seal tightly keep in a cool dry place like a kitchen cabinet this will keep the product the freshest for use while stored for long term. Also an email was sent directly to the request email that was sent.

Theresa H / Ontario Canada / October 30, 2014

Vassouresha bidens pilosa

Q: Do you send a confirmation with tracking once the item is purchased? Thanks Also do you have a phone no?

A: When order is shipped a confirmation email is sent to the email that was placed in the ship to field when placing an order. For sales 24/7 TOLL FREE 855-766-1772 for customer service phone 570-497-8007 hours 10AM to 5PM EST. If no answer it will go to voice mail leave name, return phone number and a brief message of concern.

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